Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Listen to Music that is used in Commericals

If someone were to ask me to describe my music taste, I could easily tell them that I listen to a lot of the music that is used in advertisements.

I was watching TV yesterday and was pleased to hear "Sleepyhead" by Passion Pit in the HD Palm Pix commercial!

I usually know most songs in commercials, but when I don't, it's an awesome way to find new music. Commercials have led me to discover artists such as the Weepies and Oren Lavie. Thank goodness for the Internet, because I would have no way to find out who these artists were that were making me want to buy cars and shop at JC Penny's.

It's great, you can type in the commercial to Google and almost instantly find the song you want. Then you just YouTube it and can hear it for free...and if you're like me, it will lead you to purchase an album!

Oh, the power of advertising...or in my case, the power of music in advertising.

Below are some commercials which have AWESOME music in them.

"1901" by Phoenix in a Cadillac commercial

"Sleepyhead" by Passion Pit in a PSP commercial from Canada ( I Couldn't find the Palm Pix Commercial)

"Stars" by the Weepies in an Old Navy Commercial

"The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson in an Old Navy Commercial

"Trouble" by Ray LaMontange in a Traveler's' Insurance commercial

"A Punk" by Vampire Weekend in an HP Commercial

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